

Once the screenplay is locked and serious pre-production begins, one of the first things you'll want are LOCATION reports. You can use screenplay-location to get a variety of reports on locations, based on the SLUG LINES in your screenplay.

Probably you should have a preview.screenplay or a print.screenplay for these to work the way they are intended to work. Of course, there's nothing stopping you from running it on individual scene files, either. Please do note, however, that this script will not work on a .pdf file.

To get a list of all locations in your screenplay, run this:

$ screenplay-location print.screenplay

This will interactively generate one of four types of location reports, or one that includes them all. It is menu-based:

1 List of all (unique) locations

2 List of all INT. locations

3 List of all EXT. locations

4 List all locations in script order

5 Generate all of the above in one report

By default, you end up with a printable report with appropriate headings to indicate what report it is.

If, however, you do not ever to intend to create hardcopies of your reports, and opt to use the org-mode of Emacs, you can specify an output file with the .org extension, such as to produce a document without enforced page breaks or headers, formatted for use in org-mode's outline view.

Org-mode is a major mode for Emacs which excels at project management and is, along with screenwriter.el and screenplay-tools, all a movie production needs for its organizational and scheduling needs. Learn more about it, and download it, from

Screenplay-location is programmed to eliminate common transitions and other capitalized words from its list, but there is obviously a chance that something will get listed as a location when it is not (if you have capitalized words in the script as a form of emphasis, for instance). You may need to review your location list for these quirks before sending it out to your entire pre-production staff.

You're now ready to read up on the next tool, screenplay-character